10 Tips for How to Crack IIT CEED
1. CEED tests your knowledge in creativity and innovation. Creativity may not be educated; one cannot force you to create. It can be improved by your inner thoughts, personal passions and exposure to creative ideas of others. Unless you know about the existing idea, you cannot develop an alternative solution for that. This is where your observation skills help you.
2. Be a problem generator as well as a solver. The CEED examiners expect the same from you. Problem identification is one most important tool for a designer besides sketching. When you start observing things, you will come to know some problems as well as alternatives.
3. Go through the previous year’s papers: See the previous years question paper it will help you to understand the types and level of questions that you have to face.
4. Practice sketching the objects around you: The very first focus of a designer is to develop the concept or Idea, next comes the way to express/communicate that. Without a proper concept, you cannot start sketching.
5. Sketch everyday objects. This should include representing objects as they are, with their material and texture. You need not to be great artist, but you should be able to convey through your sketches well.
6. Try freehand sketching: Sometimes Sketching using instruments is not allowed in CEED. It will help you to learn basics of freehand sketching. The best way is to sit with pencil and paper and try to sketch.
7. Select right equipments for practice. Always try to use 2 grades of pencil: H-grade for rough work, light drawings, etc and B for rapid work and where shading is involved. A wooden pencil works best, but sometimes a 0.7 mm pencil is best kept in reserve. Also, pack a non-dust eraser. Knead able eraser is the best, but slightly expensive
8. A CEED examiner usually expects you to be a good communicator. Your design process is complete only when you show case the same through proper channel. Sketching is the process of showing your overall expression, concept or idea. It even shows your talent. Drawing is a form of visual communication and you may be aware that visual communication is the most powerful form of delivering ideas.
9. Improve Imagination skills: What you see is what you draw. Sometimes, you have to “see” in your mind. This is visualization. So, first try to get best picture of what you want to sketch in your mind, then think about it and then put your pencil to the paper.
10. Watch cartoons or read daily comic strip: This might sound silly, but comic strips actually are an example of a storyboard. Sometimes questions are asked to represent a storyline, say, how will you make a cup of coffee. This will need your sketching skills as well as story-telling ability.
UCEED is the entrance examination for admission to the B.Des programme at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, IIT- Guwahati and IIITDM-Jabalpur. There are total 105 seat for admission, 30 seats each at IIT- Bombay & IIITDM – Jabalpur and 45 seats at IIT –Guwahati.
CEED (Common Entrance Examination for Design) is a qualifying examination for admission to Master of Design (M.Des) programmes at IISc Bangalore, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Hyderabad and IIT Kanpur.
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